Welcome to the Red Deer Sexaholics Anonymous website. Our fellowship is a mix of men and women who are committed to overcoming sex & lust addiction.
Sex addiction is often a challenging subject to discuss, and bring out in to the open. We understand the painful nature of this disease, and how difficult it is to accept the destruction it has caused in our lives. Very often we felt that we were the only ones struggling with this problem, that we were alone. We used sex, lust and fantasy to cope with stress, escape pain, create excitement, avoid feelings, and a whole host of other issues. However there is a solution and it has worked for countless individuals.
Our fellowship was established on the principles and traditions founded in the 12-Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Through a lot of hard work and persistence, Sexaholics Anonymous began in the early 80’s and has grown through the strength, hope and experience of recovering addicts world-wide.
If you are seeking freedom from the pain that brought you here, we believe you’ve come to the right place. Feel free to browse around the site, or head to the Meetings & Contact page to get in touch with our fellowship.
Please be assured that all contact with us is kept strictly confidential and that your anonymity will remain protected.